Deposits are made available to assist you in securing your new Hand Raised Pet Bird & Parrots.
Birds will not be sold or delivered to their new homes until they are fully weaned and independent. This means drinking and eating seed, pellets, fruit and vegetables. Delivery dates cannot be provided as each bird is individual and timeframes can be extended
depending on many variables with the breeding and hand raising of all Pet Birds.
Once a deposit is made you agree in principle to pay the full amount on delivery or by arrangement with Pet Birds and Parrots ie: electronic transfer.
You will forfeit your deposit if:
You simply change your mind.
Buy another parrot and cancel your order
You are unwilling or unable to, or not wanting to take the Hand Raised Parrot.
You delay or do not make yourself available for the delivery of your hand raised Pet Bird.
Deposits and Refunds are managed as per Australian Consumer Law.
Our Pet Care Guide is provided to assist you in the care and diet of your new Pet Bird/Parrot and provides contact details of 3 x Bird Avian Vets if you wish to put your Pet Bird on a regulated Health Plan through a qualified Bird Avian Vet or if your Pet Bird becomes unwell.
All freight expenses are at the buyers expense including aircraft approved freight crates. Pet Birds and Parrots are not responsible for any flight changes or unexpected airline delays. Travel insurance is not inclusive of the price. Travel insurance must be organised by the buyer if wanted.
Lifestyle Birds and Pet Birds & Parrots are not to be held responsible for any bird that is purchased with clipped wings that fly away. All birds that are wing clipped will be with the new owners full approval. The clipping of a bird’s wings is not a method to stop the bird from flying, it is to reduce the birds flying ability so as to reduce potential injury from flying into windows and is not a guarantee in any way that the bird cannot fly away. Re-clipping of wings when they have grown back will be the owners responsibility.
All hand raised birds that are sold by Hand Raised Parrots have been raised in a friendly family environment being accustomed to everyday living conditions such as people, children, pets, vacuums televisions and other house hold noises. It is the buyers responsibly to train the bird to ensure no behavioural issues occur. Hand Raised Parrots is not liable for any bird’s behavioural changes once going to their new home.
Each bird is sold with a Pet Care Guide. All new owners are encouraged to read the guide and take responsibility for the birds health, diet and wellbeing in the initial settling in period. If the buyer has not received their Pet Care Guide via email, it is the buyer’s responsibility to email Hand Raised Parrots to request a copy to be sent.
It is the buyers responsibility to check all local state and council laws regarding keeping specific breeds of birds including appropriate licenses issued by DWELP.
If a Bird is not acceptable to a purchaser because of health or other reasons that are supported by a statement from a veterinarian, excluding accidents within three days of purchase, Pet Birds & Parrots will take the Bird back and refund all monies or
offer a replacement Bird with the same guarantee. If a Bird is returned within three days for any other reason, Pet Birds & Parrots will refund 50% of the purchase price or offer a replacement Bird with the same guarantee. If the Bird dies or is euthanised as a result of
a disease that is traceable to the point of sale, Pet Birds & Parrots will refund the purchase price or offer a replacement Bird with the same guarantee.