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About Mick & Ann

Mick & Ann created Lifestyle Birds which has grown to become Pet Birds and Parrots with the aim to deliver to you the ultimate bird companion and to simplify your desire and journey in obtaining your Pet Bird. We have over 20 years experience delivering Pet Birds throughout Australia, by Road and predominantly Air Freight.

hand raised african grey baby parrots


At Pet Birds and Parrots, our mission is to create an enriching experience for both Pet Birds and their Owners. We believe in gaining trust and respect through bonding shared by

understanding, education, communication and love for our feathered friends. Together, we celebrate the unique journey of companionship where birds and people thrive together!

Pet Birds and Parrots is an Online Melbourne based Business run by passionate and caring breeders. Mick & Ann created Lifestyle Birds which has grown to be Pet Birds and Parrots with the aim to deliver to you the ultimate bird companion and to simplify your desire and journey in obtaining your Pet Bird.  We have over 20 years experience delivering Pet Birds throughout Australia, by Road and predominantly Air Freight.  ​ Our business began when people contacted us seeking help after purchasing a Pet Bird elsewhere, their bird was not friendly or social, on a poor diet, flights clipped, couldn't fly and most times their bird wasn't eating, stressful for both the bird and the new owners. Many Birds ended up in Rescue Centres and with Vets. We saw a great need for people to learn more about having a Pet Bird and most of all having fun, it should never be a stressful experience for your new feathered friend and your family. Mick & I felt we could do this better for both the Bird and the new owners and set up Pet Birds and Parrots and we have successfully provided a great relationship a wonderful enjoyable journey for both the new Pet Bird and everyone to enjoy.  Pet Birds will make you laugh and are so intelligent. Our Passion Our passion for birds originated through our years of bird breeding, handling, raising exhibition quality budgerigars. Care and diet of your Pet Bird is so important and all our Birds including our babies get fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, quality Seed and Murphys Pellets daily.  Our babies are raised on high quality Hand Raising Formula are fully flighted, fly to you, step up, love to be with you, make great companions, loving, cuddly, playful, cheeky, talk and will have you laughing daily. Our Journey As champion breeders we decided to bring our passion, joy, experience and love of birds into your home by supplying you with the complete Pet Bird package, this is simply our One Stop Shop to you. You select your Pet Bird, Cage and more.  The focus of our Business is to provide beautiful Hand Raised, Happy, Healthy, Content, fun loving Pet Birds for everyone to enjoy, this is the reason we do not have and never will have a Pet Shop as we feel the environment is too stressful for the baby birds. This way all our time is dedicated to our birds and their babies, their welfare, maintenance, care, training, breeding to provide that special Hand Raised Pet Bird to enjoy.  Our babies are well adjusted, happy and content and ready to bond gain trust  and respect with their new loving family.  This is a two way street. What we do for you! We noticed that many people want companionship and being unable to have cats or dogs in their homes, found that birds were the answer or simply dreamed of having their own Pet Bird one day. Pet Birds and Parrots is a service which home delivers healthy, well cared for and ethically bred birds such as Conures, Budgies, Cockatiels,  Caiques, Lineolated Parrots, African Greys, Macaws, Conures, Amazons, Quakers, Lorikeets and many other varieties by request. You have the choice to  buy a Bird only or our complete package, which gives you the best start possible. We share our expertise in providing the Routine, Dietary, Training Tips, Ideal cage and Playstand options so you get the best out of your Pet Bird and our prices are competitive.  Complete Package We provide a Parrot Care Guide prior to delivery and this Guide assists you in the Care and Diet of your new feathered friend, it also lists all the Specialist Avian Vets in Victoria if you wish to get your new feathered friend checked.  Your Complete Package includes; appropriate and quality Bird Cage options, suitable for your chosen Pet Bird, Playstand options which are a great training aid, toys, accessories, seed and pellets with your bird,  After Care Service to get the best out of your Pet Bird. This way  you and your new companion can get off to the best start possible. Pet Birds and Parrots offers a competitive package price with the added value of purchasing from an expert who is passionate about the well being and health of your new companion and the wonderful journey for all to experience. Our training methods are all natural and our babies are not put under any pressure, Mick & Ann Services  Pet Birds and Parrots offer Bird Boarding (for when you take that well deserved holiday!) ongoing help to care for your bird, cage cleaning and food orders. We service the Melbourne and surrounding regions and freight Pet Birds and Products throughout Australia. Birds are the best pet ever, they are very smart, each one has its own personality and our babies really want to hang out with you as much as possible. You can teach them tricks, they eat a lot of the same foods that we do, fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. They are hilarious, loving and loads of fun. Most Birds will talk it depends on how much you interact with your Pet Bird. Increase your Well Being Birds don't require a lot of space so they can be kept in apartments or units that aren't suitable for other types of pets. They are great company and it can be very relaxing to listen to their cheerful trilling, chirping and talking.  Bird owners are surprised at how clever birds are. Their cheeky antics can be enjoyable to watch, many of our customers have advised us of the love and joy they get from having a Pet Bird. During Lockdown many of our customers advised us "how much joy and laughter their Pet Bird brought them". Select the right Pet Bird for your lifestyle Firstly you will have your Pet Bird for at least 15,20, 30  years or more so it is very important you are prepared and committed to looking after your Pet Bird. In selecting your first Pet Bird, do your research, ensure you buy from a reputable breeder, buy from experienced breeders, make sure your Pet Bird has been Hand Raised, ensure you get a well natured Pet Bird to suit your family and lifestyle. Do not choose a Pet Bird because someone recommended you buy without checking that Pet Bird will be suitable for you and your family.

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